Mindful Morning Routine For A Happy Life


If you’ve been on the journey of self-discovery, re-connection & growth, you’ll already know that having a morning routine will add immensely to your development & quality of life.

I’ve personally been working on my morning routine for YEARS, always tweaking it, improving it, seeing what works best for me.

Now, I am confident I’ve found a morning routine that truly supports me & allows me to be in the right energetic space to best serve my clients.

Having a morning routine sets you up for a happy, positive, successful, and productive day. Seriously, babe – why wouldn’t you want to start your days feeling relaxed and calm, instead of rushing through the door 5 minutes after your alarm goes off?!

I know that from time to time, it feels like you have no other option, but by creating the habit of a morning routine, you’ll find it easier to stick to it.. trust me!

So babe, I can’t stress this enough: to avoid feeling stressed out when you wake up, you gotta get up early enough. This way, you’ll be able to do all the things that put you into a good mood right away. I personally like preparing my day the night before for a smooth & easy start :)

I’ll explain exactly how I do so later in this post. But first, please just know that my morning routine doesn’t HAVE to be the exact same for you. I encourage you to take mine as inspiration and start implementing whatever works best for you - the most important thing is to have something that boosts your mood and sets you up for an amazing day.

So let's start with what my current routines look like …


The Evening Routine

After dinner, I usually clean up the kitchen (‘cuz nobody wants to enter a messy kitchen in the mornings, right?!) and make myself a cup of tea or hot chocolate (yep- I’m a sucker for sugar-free, plant-based hot chocolate, that's for sure).

With a cup in hand, I go to my room and put on some feel good music, get changed into my pjs and get out my clothes for the next day if I have somewhere to go in the morning. Not gonna lie though babe, I also love to work in my undies to deepen the connection with my birthday suit - I highly recommend this if you are struggling with body image… wearing clothes 24/7 disconnects us from our bodies A LOT.

Besides this, I am more drawn to a minimalistic wardrobe, which is also a massive time-saver.

Planning for the day ahead

Following this, I clean up my work desk, tidy my room and write down my most important get-to-do's for the following day. This way, I know exactly what I am going to be working on and can mentally prepare for all my tasks and projects. And of course, I practice gratitude & reflect on the day that’s just been. 

I looove writing down my achievements from the day as this helps me to stay focused and motivated – you’ve gotta give yo’self credit girl! As females, we tend to be modest about our accomplishments. Don’t do that babe - you are allowed to be proud of yourself and to share your successes with the world.

Prioritising sleep 

I also make sure to get a decent amount of sleep. For me personally, 7-8 hours is ideal in order to function well. When times get a bit busier or I workout regularly, I even need 8,5-9 hours to feel fully recharged. 

Find out how much time YOUR body needs in order to feel well-rested. Ideally, you should be able to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. I’m still in the process of getting into a rhythm where my body wakes up naturally. I don't always get my perfect dose of sleep, but I am definitely trying my best.

So after a successful evening routine and a good night of sleep, this is how my morning routine starts after waking up...

My mindful morning routine

I always try to get up 1,5 hours before I start working. This way, I have more than enough time to wake up properly, stretch, meditate, give my bf a cuddle, write in my journal, and drink my cup of coffee without any hurry.

Morning journaling

After waking between 6:30-7 am, I grab my journal and write for around 10-15 minutes from my bed (who else loves their bed? Let's be real, everyone does. Beds are amazing lol). 

First off, I write down five things I am grateful for (on some days, it's the same things, but on most days, it's something different since every day holds other blessings that are worth appreciating). After this, I write my 3 top affirmations for the day, my intentions + my personal & professional goals for the day. By setting my intentions for the day, I get clear on what will make it a good one.

Psst, if you are looking for the ULTIMATE guide + journal for your perfect routine, check out my Glow Up Bundle. My team and I put heaps of love + value inside the bundle so & I would love for you to experience the transformation it offers :)


Setting the right mood

After practicing my daily gratitude and setting my intentions, I put on some music and get out of bed. I wash my face with cold water, brush my teeth, scrape my tongue (I learnt this from my Yoga Teacher Training, and I absolutely love it, not pretty, but soo important for dental hygiene), then put on some light moisturiser & some coconut oil.

Next, I spill the dental oil which I have been pulling for a few minutes into the bin - don't spill it into your sink or toilet since the oil clogs it. Afterward, I rinse out my mouth with warm water.

You know I’m all about the simple life.. so that’s it with my beauty routine. I treat myself to the occasional facial or a longer skincare routine but as I usually can’t wait to get to work (how awesome is life when you are doing what you love, every day?), I like to keep it short and simple when getting ready in the morning.


After this, I make myself a big ass glass of hydrogen-rich Kangen water. Ever since I started drinking Kangen water, I feel sooo much more refreshed. I truly love my Kangen machine and the way it helps me save on plastic as well as allows me to get in my antioxidants for the day.

While I’m sipping on water, I make myself my beloved almond latte (sometimes with a pinch of natural cocoa powder to fill my cup with a lil bit of extra happiness in the morning).

After that, I usually start going through my get-to-do-list for the day ahead, keeping in mind what I want to achieve on that specific day. I then check the most important messages on my phone (mostly my team and urgent VIP client messages) and quickly check Instagram + my post’s performance from the previous day.

I always try to keep this check-in as short as possible as my main check-in time is in the afternoons when I go for my daily walk.

And that’s it! That’s where my regular workday starts and my morning routine usually ends…

But when it comes to the rest of my day. I wanted to share a few other things I love to implement to create healthy boundaries in my life.


I do my best not to check any emails, messages or my Instagram within the first hour of the morning. I’ll be real though, babe - it doesn’t always work out… but again, there's always room for improvement, right?

Some mornings I also do a guided meditation for 10 minutes after doing my stretching and yoga flow. I like using Headspace, Calm or Insight Timer (all of them are great apps for meditation beginners) or I’ll listen to one on YouTube. If you want more information, you can find my 3-step meditation guide here.

Again, I don’t do these things every single day. 

I always feel better when I consciously take the time for it, but sometimes I don't feel like it and that's completely fine. No need for perfection, just small improvements every day.

I am very aware that having a proper morning routine enhances the quality of your day in so many ways. Back when I didn't follow a routine, I always felt like I was wasting a lot of precious time in the mornings. I never really knew what to do next that would benefit my day in any way. 

So there it is, babe – I SO hope this blogpost helps you level up your own mindful morning routine :) if you want more inspiration, you can also find my 3 favourite morning mindfulness practices here.

Sending you so much love & light,


P.S. Routines are one of the main keys to success, and I know that following through, creating + sustaining healthy habits can be challenging. When you’re doing it all by yourself, it’s easy to fall off track… that’s where accountability & mentorship come into play. 

Since I know how vital the right support is when it comes to realising your goals, I created the Glow-Up Bundle. This is my first ever digital product and the perfect way to get a taste of my work. I can tell you sis, this bundle will be a game-changer for you and the investment is as little as $77 USD. You can check out the Glow-Up Bundle here.