Before I knew it, people were reaching out, asking me to coach them! My mind was blown, I felt excited and thought to myself ‘if I can get myself out of depression, and re-create my life from scratch… why wouldn’t I be able to help others become a happier version of themselves just as well?’
And so, I gave it a shot… just to realize that I was incredibly gifted at guiding people, and that my clients’ results and testimonials went through the roof.
I continued coaching as a side-hustle while still getting my university degree, eventually doing a coaching certification program AND traveling the world solo after graduating from uni. Eventually, I decided to go all-in on my coaching business and create the life of my dreams in late 2019.
Back then, I cared so much about working as many hours as I possibly could in a day because I was deeply convinced that this was the only way for me to succeed and create the impact & income I desired.
Until then, I didn’t realize that this was actually not how I wanted to live my life; but I hadn’t known it any other way. My reality from age 21-24 evolved around working, traveling, socializing, and building my brand. There was almost no room for other priorities in my life.
I didn’t believe that I could actually have it ALL, and that life could be THAT good.
And so, one day in April 2022, I made the decision to do whatever it would take to create a different reality for myself. I had seen other female entrepreneurs scale successfully and sustainably without sacrifice of their well-being, happiness and relationships — and I was determined to do the same.
After all — if they could do it, so could I (this mindset got me to start my biz in the first place, and it empowered me in that moment to get to yet another level).
I was SO over operating in this old way of exhausting myself just to get somewhere; I wanted to spend more time off my laptop and phone, and ENJOY life.
About a week later, on the 30th of April, I made the decision to invest $15K into a 4-month Business Mastermind that promised support with setting up systems and automations that would allow me to scale my business and create more time freedom. It was the biggest investment I had made in full to date and scared the sh*t out of me. I did it anyway.
When I sat by the ocean on a bench, looking at the sun as it set, I felt a full-body exhale. I knew this was the start of a new era. I had no idea what would be ahead of me; but I trusted that it would be what I needed.
And it was. However…
The Mastermind wasn’t what I needed in terms of embodiment and healing work, but it gave me the guidance I needed to automate some parts of my business and helped me structure my launches. After the Mastermind, I was consistently hitting $20K- $30k USD a month, even without launching any program actively.
What followed after was a time of discovering what leading my life in a way that FELT good looked like; because whilst the new structures were great, I didn’t feel connected to my feminine energy when working and leading my business. I was craving more pleasure and play. More fun and flow.
I was desiring deeper levels of healing, of self mastery and embodiment.
And so, I worked on figuring out a way to combine the power of infusing masculine AND feminine energy into my business (as well as in my daily life + romance) to reach a whole new level of success & fulfillment.
Why? It mattered so much to me to figure out how to FEEL different in the process of achieving my personal & professional goals as a female CEO.
12 years ago, my dream life felt so out of reach. But one day, I woke up and decided that enough was enough.
It was time that I valued myself enough to commit to getting out of this dark place, and create a reality beyond my wildest imagination – whatever it would take.
Little did I know that this commitment would get me out of my depression and catapult me into self healing, self mastery, self actualization… and ultimately, into the greatest love story of my life, leading a multi six-figure business, rising up higher than I ever have before.
I didn’t know back then that my commitment would have so much power. But it allowed me to start taking inspired action in alignment with the vision I had decided I wanted to hold onto… the vision of my highest self – aka, the person I am today.
I knew deep down that this is who I was truly supposed to be, and that’s what kept me motivated - even on the hardest days. It reminded me to keep moving forward, and to keep doing the things that I knew over time would add up and eventually take me to my dream life.
The truth is: you don’t have to figure everything out by yourself over the course of multiple years like I did. You can take a shortcut. And I’m here to show you the way.
Instead of struggling with trial & error, you can stick to powerful strategies and tools that have been proven to transform your subconscious mind, patterns, identity, and thus, your life. And yes - YOU can have this transformation within a few weeks/ months if you are truly committed to becoming the version of yourself that you deeply desire to become.
The person who feels aligned, alive, centered, and able to serve & create from a place of overflow.
You see, you are meant to be(come) that woman who unapologetically shines her light in this world and stands up for herself. The woman who chooses to love herself fiercely, day in and day out. The woman who makes a conscious effort to fill up her own cup in order to raise the vibrations of those around her.
The woman who integrates her personal life and career, so they fuel one another. The woman who is in a healthy, balanced, loving relationship. The woman who is surrounded by absolute soul sisters and thrives in her mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Throughout my coaching career, I have helped thousands of talented, smart, ambitious women transform their lives by showing them how I elevated my own. And because you are reading this, I know that you are also ready to let go of the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and start taking massive action in the direction of your dream reality.
It’s time for you to gain the clarity you need to start embodying your highest potential. I know that you already have everything within you to start showing up as the most aligned version of yourself who has it all – her dream lifestyle, a state of optimal health, fulfilling relationships… you simply need to unlock it.
By reconnecting with and understanding yourself through high level, hands-on mentorship on a whole new level, you’ll be able to grow your awareness, identify your blocks & limitations, and start reframing anything that no longer serves you.
The result?
You’ll be unstoppable when it comes to creating a lit up life & career, and attracting everything you’ve ever wished for. You are so worthy of this, babe!