
“Laura is genuinely the most hands on and generous coach and mentor I ever came across.”

It was so great to be a part of The Fem Leader Mastermind; I always felt so supported and cheered on by Laura. It's great to have someone who can talk me off the ledge on speed dial! Laura is SUPER hands on and always provides support when needed! I got so much value from the group calls as well as WhatsApp access to Laura outside of the call times. I have been celebrating my first $20k launch during my time inside of TFL! On top, I quit my full time job, improved my relationship with my husband & overall experience a higher quality of life. It was so helpful to take stock of where I was and what needed to improve. Once we identified that, Laura helped me identify needlemovers that got me to the outcome so.much.quicker than I could ever have expected! Laura is genuinely the most hands on and generous coach and mentor I ever came across. She has the perfect balance of no BS business and life advice and powerful spiritual practices.


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Laura HerdeComment

“I feel like I embody what I do and who I want to be much more. “

I love that we can update each other regularly in the WA group. Reading what others are doing, achieving or creating motivates and inspires me. Also, I feel more committed to creating something and sharing it. The regular calls are also great for me, because I can take a lot away from them, like the creation / launch of a new program. I also love being constantly confronted with the themes and the energy in this container. I always feel seen and heard, and I find the small, intimate group sooo great for exchanging ideas. Overall, I feel like I embody what I do and who I want to be much more. I am wayyy more connected to my future vision and have become more structured. TFL helped me be more connected to my future version and embody who I want to be. I feel like I've made a big step forward there. After the calls, I'm always super motivated and full of energy, so it's easy for me to create something. I love the program and for me it is the ideal complement to Free Abundant Self. The mini-trainings in particular are very valuable for me!

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Laura HerdeComment

“I love the hot seat coaching on each call as it has been so helpful & really great”

It's been really eye opening to include more feminine energy into my life and I have seen really big shifts in my mindset, confidence and in the way I show up. I really see how deeply masculine I was; in a mindset and lifestyle sense, this has been amazing. I feel I have learned a lot from Laura and really relate to the way she is living her life as that is also something I desire. I love the hot seat coaching on each call as it has been so helpful & really great – alongside the mini trainings and the WhatsApp support that has been of incredible value. My confidence increased a lot, I started showing up a lot more and taking action consistently. A big thing Laura helped me with was navigating a dating experience and healing father wounds which really allowed me to be in my worth and raise my standards. I've grown a lot as a person and raised my standards, shown up more embodied and confident in biz and life. I gained more practical tools to navigate when self-doubt creeps in and really gotten more clarity on how I want my life to look and feel.


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Laura HerdeComment