Laura Herde

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Powerful Affirmations to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Babe, who do you think you are? 

With what kind of characteristics do you associate yourself with? 

I invite you to take a moment, grab yo’self a notebook and write down any words that come to mind.

Do you think of yourself as beautiful? If not - what would you evaluate as „beautiful“, and why? 

Do you think that you can achieve anything that you want in life? If not - why?  If yes - how?

Do you think of yourself as smart and successful? If not - why? 

What are the strongest characteristics (negative & positive) that you are currently embodying? 

And yep, I want you to be brutally honest with yourself. Especially when it comes to all these negative beliefs that might be crossing your mind. Write them down. They are here to be looked at, acknowledged and fully understood. What are the triggers of certain sabotaging thoughts, what’s the origin of your programming?

Take a closer look at what you just wrote down - is it empowering? Is it uplifting?
Would you say those things to your best friend? 

Maybe you can answer all those questions with a loud HECK YES! (if so - you are crushing it, babe - I’m proud of you!), but maybe you find yourself reading a list of negative beliefs about yourself that make you feel worthless and disempowered. And you know what? I was there too. I gotchu sis, keep reading.

Change your beliefs, change your life. 

Throughout our childhood, most of us face insecurity and self-doubt at some point. This can be caused by several incidents - for example another child that calls you ugly because of your „elephant ears“, a teacher that calls you „silly little one“ because you did not manage to solve the equation in front of the class or even an unconscious parent not giving you the attention you needed. There are thousands of threads that can tumble the childlike ease and fragile self-esteem you are born with - and worst case scenario: you create a limiting mindset that manifests into your reality when you are older. Where are my highly sensitive, self-conscious babes at? I feel ya! 

If you know me well thru the gram, you are aware of the fact that I used to be depressed (click here for my story) which I’m so grateful for today, because it made me understand the power of mindset. I’m the living proof that the quality of your thoughts determine the quality of your life.

If someone had asked me „Laura, who do you think you are?“ 10 years ago, my answers would have been nothing but self-destructive. But you know what, sis? By changing my mindset, I managed to transform from lying in bed all day, feeling miserable, disconnected from and sorry for myself - because I was convinced that my life sucks and will never get any better - to living my absolute dream.

Today, I wake up every morning feeling absolute bliss - because of the connection I have to myself, because of my support system, a state of physical health, emotional freedom and mental well-being. I am working my absolute dream job as a mindset coach, & I feel supported by the most badass team of 5 other women + my partner, living and breathing my mission. I feel so much gratitude for all the like-minded souls I attracted into my life in the past 5 years.

Honestly, sometimes I still feel like all of this is a dream… but it’s my actual reality. Mhhhh.

Why am I telling you this? Quite simple - because what is possible for me, is also possible for you. I am no one who achieved things that have never been achieved before - I began creating all of this with tough starting conditions, and slowly but surely worked my way up - starting with mindset work first.
It may sound crazy, but it truly is all a mindset game. The reality you are dreaming of
is already waiting for you, hun. Go and claim (aka co-create) it!

Just magic? Nope - science, babe! 

If you are like 

„Pfff, Laura come on! Stop this hocus-pocus, you were just lucky.“ 

Lemme, tell you something: There is scientific proof to the law of attraction, the law of action, and the power of your subconscious mind (aka your inner programming). Stanford University psychologist analyst and researcher Carol Dweck wrote a whole book on this, her colleague Alia Crum inspires her audience in TED talks, sharing about how the quality of your mindset is an absolute game changer. Truth is, whatever you are feeding your mind - your subconscious will seek approval for that. Your brain interprets everything that happens in a way that fits into your belief system (whether empowering or limiting). 

Check out my favourite books to learn more about the power of your mind. 

So babe - let’s get rid of all those limiting beliefs you scribbled down into your notebook and replace them with empowering affirmations instead. Doing my affirmation practice twice a day created the foundation of living my best life and brought me to where I am today - living in Tenerife with my romantic partner, sippin’ on organic oat milk coffee while working on passion projects.

Sounds awesome, huh? I want the same thang for you! So let’s get started. 

4 powerful affirmations to rewire your subconscious mind and
strengthen your self-esteem

Speaking affirmations out loud - to yourself, in front of the mirror - is a to-go practice you can easily integrate in your daily life to form new beliefs - and thus, design a new life for yo’self. As you know now - what you think about most, you ultimately become & magnetise/ attract. So let’s make sure that your new beliefs are focused around abundance, confidence, faith and positivity. 

Most of my clients come from a point of low self-esteem and strong self-doubt when starting to work with me. Since this is a condition that many of high-achieving women are struggling with, I hand-picked 4 empowering and effective affirmations that will turn your self-image upside down (in a positive way, lol).
It’s simple: stand in front of your mirror, look deeply into your own eyes and say the following affirmations out loud to yourself - with power in your voice:   





Repeat those 3 times. Feels good, huh? 

If you are not feeling anything at all, repeat this practice until you are feeling empowered by your own words. Gaze into your eyes, connect with your soul and subconscious mind - allow yourself to step into and fully embody the queen that you are. I recommend doing this at least twice a day for 3 weeks in a row to see remarkable results.

Besides elevating your self-esteem, you can also do this practice to elevate other areas of your life - I created my Affirmation Manifesto, which includes the most powerful affirmations to up-level life areas such as Health, Relationships and so much more!

Grab your free copy right here:

Feeling a bit lost in the process? I feel ya, sis - beginnings always feel challenging and overwhelming. What about having your personal cheerleader and soul sister circle supporting you in becoming your highest self and creating your dream life? If that sounds like what you need, you’ll love my group coaching program Free Abundant Self. If you are ready to become fully confident in your ability to create a thriving life for yourself, reset your mindset and program it for success, make sure you sign up for the waitlist or apply today. You will learn how to manifest with ease and become a vibrational match to your desires.

I can already see you shine - now tell me,
what are you waiting for?

Love & light, 
