Laura Herde

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You know what’s even better than being successful?

Most ambitious women in this community want it all – time freedom, career success, financial abundance AND a thriving relationship! And we better desire and claim all of these – cuz it’s definitely NOT ‘too good to be true’, and in my world, nothing is off limits when it comes to this wild life we get to co-create every day.

So, seriously babe…

Who doesn’t want to do purposeful work they love, massive impact, an abundance of $$$ as well as a partner who truly sees + supports them, loves them for who they are, and wants to build a life together?

But the reality? Well, let’s just say it can be very different to how most women would imagine and hope! Figuring out how to navigate the sweet spot between deepening my romance with my partner of 3 years and sustainably scaling my business to $1mil has been an interesting learning curve, to say the least.

In the past 2 years however, I’ve gathered powerful lessons along the way that have been insanely game-changing for me and have ultimately helped me become both a better leader AND partner, and ultimately, create my own version of success as I’ve been focusing on cultivating a deeply fulfilling life.

Read on for 3 things I’ve learned that once integrated truly changed the game for me…


👉🏽 How you can show up for yourself, your relationship/ love life AND your career w/o burning out

👉🏽 Why it’s essential to be clear on your values and priorities to feel fulfilled whilst leading your life

👉🏽 Why I’ve moved away from designing my life around my work, and what I do now instead

3 Lessons I've Learned About Leading and Loving as an Ambitious Woman

1. Your priorities might change as you start building a life + future w/ someone, and that's okay! 

Truth be told, I used to have very different values in life when I was single in early 2020, than now, having dated my partner for 3,5 years, and being in a relationship with him for just over 3 years. And because my values changed, naturally, my priorities also had to adapt to reflect back what’s most meaningful to me. In romantic relationships, we are not only seen fully, but we also get to heal and grow alongside the other person (ideally into the same direction). All the healing work I’ve been doing since meeting my partner has led me to becoming a different version of myself, who now has different standards, boundaries, opinions, priorities and a different perspective on life. One of them is that my work is no longer taking over my life. Instead, it’s an important and deeply meaningful part of my life that I love to make time for, but it no longer demands from me to sacrifice my personal life like my wellness, friendships, hobbies, self-care, fitness, health or romance to succeed. These days, my partner and our 2 rescue dogs are my family and my #1 priority. My business comes second, and that feels aligned for me.

Hot tip: What may be important during one season of your life, may be less important during another based on the version of yourself that you’ve become, and that’s 111% normal as well.

2. Your identity and vision will naturally evolve

Every 3-4 months, I assess what kind of woman I am currently embodying (my identity) and the direction in which I am heading, as well as my overall vision for myself, my life and career. Then, I identify any gaps that hold me back from living the life I want to be living, having the business I want to be leading and the woman I want to be every day. I define qualities, action steps, habits and do healing work on myself to remove blockages so I can shift my energy, frequency, manage my time better, and align with the highest vision for myself and my external reality. Only then, you can show up for yourself, your relationship/ love life AND your career, and give all aspects of life your all. These days, my work and my life feel integrated and well-balanced. And it’s because I shifted my identity from a female hustler who would gain her sense of worthiness from her level of productivity, success or achievement, over to embodying a feminine leader who is regulated, feels balanced and serves from overflow.

Hot tip: Do these assessments once a month in the beginning to really hold yourself accountable and gather frequent feedback on what you have been doing and not doing that’s been moving you closer to your dreams or preventing you from reaching them through reflection and integration.

3. You want to design your life around your work, not the other way around

When my clients ask me how I always ensure that I pour from an overflowing cup, my main answer is that I always have time in my daily agenda to just show up for me – because I have planned it in! The way in which I structure my weeks looks like plotting in all my personal appointments, fitness, my morning and evening routine, and THEN scheduling in work calls and time blocks for focused work.

The Big Picture

Ultimately, we need to consider that concepts like success, balance and contentment look different for each of us. And so, it’s important to define them for ourselves, and realize that doing our best to attain those states of being as often as possible is in fact enough. To me, living in alignment with my values after doing deep healing work and learning to master myself, my state, mind, emotions, energy and time has been the most supportive decision I’ve ever made.

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