Laura Herde

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The Power of Visualisation: Creating a Vision Board That Works

Do you find yourself daydreaming of a fulfilling career, soulmate friendships, or that cozy & bright ocean-view apartment?

Do you have this one idea on your mind that you would live out if money wasn’t an issue?

Do you get an excited feeling when you think of what makes your soul dance? Is this feeling attached to a vivid, specific picture?

This picture doesn’t have to be crystal clear just yet – it can be a tiny glimpse, a vague idea of something that seems so incredibly exciting to you. Something that always sticks with you – even if it’s just slumbering softly somewhere in the back of your subconscious mind.

Whether you are totally clear on your vision, or if it’s still blurry – having an idea of what makes you happy and how you want to live your life is so important to step into + fully embody your higher self and intentionally manifest, co-create and design the life of your wildest dreams.

(Psst. read all about the law of attraction, manifestation & how to use it here)

What if I told you that there is a powerful tool to maximize your visualisation skills and to support you in manifesting your dream into your reality?  

Sounds like something you could benefit from?

Manifesting with a vision board

Maybe you’ve never heard of the term ‘vision board’ before and you’re like:

“Wait what, Laura – vision boards? Really? Isn’t that a bit too common?”

Yep, it might be common, babe. But lately, I recognised that precisely because it is so “ordinary” and on everybody’s lips, its power might be easily underrated.

Why am I so convinced of the effectiveness?

Quite simple - my clients (and myself) are living proof.

In this post, I want to share a little guide with you on how to successfully create a vision board that supports your subconscious mind in achieving what you want (no matter if you are new to this or an old hand).

Why does visualization work?

Before we take a deep dive in the creation of a magnetising vision board, let’s take a closer look at the idea behind this tool.

Have you ever hung up a poster of a country that you always wanted to visit? Maybe you found yourself whispering “one day,...” when passing that poster and having a quick glance at the beautiful landscape, dreaming yourself away to that place (whilst imaginary feeling the sun on your skin and tasting the ocean breeze on your lips). And eventually - find yourself actually exploring this exact area?

Yep, this is a very simple example, but – if you are new to this - that’s how you might have experienced the power of visualisation in a more passive way – without even consciously recognising it.

Babe, the thing is – visualising what you want in life is like creating the exact blue print for turning your dreams into reality. Wondering why? Your subconscious mind LOVES images! It’s scientifically proven that feeding your mind with images over and over again affects your physical reality – so we gotta make sure that these images are dang awesome!

The creation of a vision board that illustrates all of your dreams and desires is an important part of manifestation and supports the energetic mechanisms of the law of attraction.

If you are curious on learning more about this topic, scroll through my favourite books on this topic.

Ideas for creating a powerful vision board

Creating a vision board is fun and makes you vibe higher instantly (trust me, putting together all the segments of the amazing life that you want to manifest is so exciting, empowering and satisfying).

So, what do you need for the creation process?

First you have to decide whether you want to create a digital vision board or a physical one (I prefer the physical one, because it makes me feel like I’m actually “building” my dream life – but maybe that’s just me, lol). If you are not into crafting, I recommend using Apps like Canva or Pinterest.

To all my crafting babes – get yo’self:

a nice paperboard that you can attach to a wall/piece of furniture where you can see it (e.g. besides your mirror or on your fridge)

a bunch of images (cut out of magazines, prints or photos)

all the tinker-tools you need to fix the images to the board and make this board as gorgeous as the life you want to manifest (scissors, glue, crayon)

All set? Perf! But before glue and scissors are drawn out, take a moment to think about what your heart desires. How do you want to live your life? What’s important to you? I recommend scribbling your ideas on a separate piece of paper and organizing your thoughts by defining different life-areas, e.g.:

Romantic Relationships


Business / Purpose


Mindset & Emotions



Physical Appearance

I cannot emphasise the importance of really taking the time for this preparatory work enough – it truly influences the manifestation power of your board immensely. Do your best to deeply feel into your vision – which desire makes your heart feel full & tingling with excitement every time it crosses your mind?

What images pop into your head? What words? Enjoy this ritual and try to be as specific as you can possibly be. If you need help with defining those areas of your life that are most important to you and that you want to commit to focusing more on, I invite you to download my free Wheel of Life worksheet (it’s THE perfect base to create a vision board that works):

After defining those areas & organising your board accordingly, it’s time to go ahead and search for matching images and fix them to it. Spoiler alert: when you start gluing the pictures to your board, some of those that you’ve selected earlier might not feel “right” or “fitting” any more. That’s okay and an important part of the process. Just stick to those that really align with you and your values, and put the other ones aside.

Once you’re finished, I recommend adding empowering mantras – e.g.:

I am attracting all the love I dream of and deserve.

I am powerful beyond measure.

I live in abundance – money flows to me with ease.

Besides images and mantras, anything that makes you vibe higher can be added – like empowering quotes, tiny objects, notes to yo’self – get creative and enjoy the process!

Once finished with the creation process, put your vision board somewhere you can see it – make it a ritual to connect with your vision board at least twice a day.

All set? Let the magic begin, babe!

I hope that this little guide to creating an effective vision board has inspired you to take action and feed your mind with all the guuuud stuff (and don’t be surprised when it becomes your reality faster than expected – I know what I’m talking about, hehe).

And if you are still feeling a lil’ lost in the visualization & manifestation game? No worries – I gotchu, babe. You know what’s even more powerful than you working on your vision and manifesting it into your physical reality? Having the support of 5 like-minded soul sisters who are cheering you on along the way to become your highest self and hold you accountable for 4 weeks - and beyond.

Sounds exactly what you need right now? What are you waiting for, sis –

Apply for my group coaching program Free Abundant Self.

Free Abundant Self is a high-touch group mentorship program, designed to help you manifest your desires into your reality with ease by following my proven step-by-step process. This includes creating the most powerful vision boards – ughh, taking a look at the vision boards of my former FAS babes makes my heart overflow with joy.

Noellie, who was setting the foundation of her dream life by joining FAS, visualised her most Free Abundant Self looking like this:

Feel free to send me your creations via DM or email - or tell me about your experiences in the comment section down below – I’m beyond excited to see & read what you are up to.

Love & light,
