Laura Herde

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Meditation: Find Peace & Happiness Within Yourself

A 3-step meditation guideline for beginners

Am I really ready to start that business I am passionate about?

I should really quit that job I don’t like…but how do I pay my bills? And what to do next?

Will people actually care about my product / service?

Or should I maybe study first, to feel more confident?

Damn it, I forgot to call Lisa yesterday…we haven’t talked for so long now…I am such a bad friend…

This all is just too much. I think I’m not good enough to even start this. Maybe I’ll just leave it as it is.


Some of you might have already found a way to deal with negative thought patterns.
Some of you might not and are feeling trapped in their own self-talk and belief system.

But no worries, sis – I gotchu!

Fact is – no matter at which point you are standing - we are all familiar with this voice in our head. You are not alone.

Living in a world of abundance and limitless possibilities is an absolute gift – but yep – it can be overwhelming. The external noise, societal expectations and the permanent comparison with strangers on social media can lead to disconnection with yourself and thus, makes you forget your true essence.

Feeling not aligned with their highest self is one of the main issues that a lot of my clients describe before they start working with me. And you know what? I absolutely feel you if you are currently finding yourself stuck in a similar situation. Why? Because I speak from own personal experience.

In both, my 1:1 mentorship, as well as in my group coaching program, I use meditation as a key-tool to help my clients rediscovering their true essence.

So, babe - take a DEEP breath and get ready to reconnect to the true you.

What is meditation?

Meditation is for the mind what weight is for the muscle – training.

You train your body to get better, to get that abs, to run faster, to lift heavier…lemme ask you one thang: do you also train your mind?

What I find kinda funny is that nowadays it’s absolutely common for people to get that membership in the fancy gym to gain that muscle – and don’t get me wrong, physical exercise is extremely important (also for our mental health). But often it seems like it’s not that common to take same care for our mental health and do the inner werk than as for our physical health.

Meditating is about finding peace and happiness within yourself. It’s not about being perfect – quite the opposite – it’s about observing your state of mind and accepting it – just as it is. It’s about recognizing every feeling and every thought, embracing it and letting it go. Meditation helps you to stop judge & suppress your feelings, instead it gives you the ability to understand them better.

What I find particularly beautiful about meditation is that it’s available for all and for everyone – you can do it anywhere at any time, you don’t (necessarily) need any membership and investing 5-10 minutes a day in your practice already does the werk!

Sounds amazing, huh?

What are the benefits of meditation?

By training your ability to connect to yourself and observe what is going on in the inside, meditation benefits you in:

○ reconnecting to your true essence

○ strengthening your ability of self-reflection & self-awareness

○ solving depression & anxiety attacks

○ being more relaxed, balanced & happy overall

Guided meditations are very helpful as well (especially in the beginning) and can support you in specific issues you are facing.

And babe – I know. If you are new to this, you might think:

Honestly, Laura? 5 minutes of meditation a day can help me to escape my depression?

Yep, sis. It actually can. Harvard’s researchers have even proven this scientifically. Truth is, just like physical exercise, meditating is especially efficient when executed daily.

If you had doubts about the effectiveness of meditation, I think they might be solved yet, huh?
So, what are you waiting for  – let’s do the inner werk and start meditating!

A 3-step meditation guideline for beginners

Especially when you are new to meditation, it can feel a bit unnatural for you in the beginning – but don’t worry babe, that’s totally normal. If the first times of meditations feel good only for three minutes – that’s totally fine and great anyways! You will notice that it will get easier to maintain the state of meditation with ongoing practice.

If you are a beginner, I find it very helpful to orientate yourself by this three-step guideline:

1. Create a relaxing environment before you start

You can start anywhere. Just make sure that you feel comfortable with your surroundings. Make sure to find a place that has a relaxing effect on you – this could be the comfy chair in your living room, a peaceful spot in your favourite park or the idyllic corner of your mom’s garden. Some find relaxation in crowded places or in public transfer – possibilities are limitless, you see?

Start in a seated position that feels natural to you, but make sure that your spine is straight. I prefer sitting crossed legged on my meditation pillow, best surrounded by beautiful nature.

Do you think that you could maintain this position for a couple of minutes without feeling uncomfortable? Yep? Okay great, close your eyes.

2. Focus on your breath

Just be and focus on your breath – inhale, exhale. While you are doing this, bring attention to the act of breathing. Feel how your belly and your chest are moving, feel how your breath fills your lungs when you are inhaling. Same applies to the exhalation – observe how your body moves in harmony with you exhaling. In the beginning it might help you to count the breaths silently in your mind to not get distracted. Try to stay focused but allow yourself to completely relax.

3. Observe upcoming thoughts

It might take only 3 seconds till the first thought crosses your mind during your practice. You might lose the focus on your breath and recognize somewhat later that your mind followed that thought. That’s okay. Just try to let go of that thought and focus on your breath again. I find it very helpful to imagine my thoughts as clouds crossing my mind. When they occur during my meditation practice, I observe them, accept them for what they are and move them away gently. In the beginning you might be very busy with shooing away all the clouds, but I promise you it gets better, it gets calmer with practice.

I hope this little introduction to meditation helped you to calm your mind. If you feel like practicing on your own might be not enough, I’m happy to help you as your personal mindset coach to free yourself from your limiting beliefs and to cheer you on your way of becoming your highest self.

I would love to welcome you in my energy babe - whether you are interested in 1:1 coaching or in being coached with the accountability of a group in my group coaching program, Free Abundant Self.

Interested? Click here to apply.

Love & light,
