Laura Herde

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How To Become An Outstanding Life & Success Coach

I know you got a vision, babe… One of a potential YOU, living her most abundant, fulfilled & aligned life. A YOU that wakes up feeling confident, inspired, passionate & *alive*. One that shows up fully, speaks her truth, shares her gifts and helps others step into their power. One that is embodied in her values + determined to bring her visions to life.

Let me introduce her to you: She is the REAL you. She is that version of you that is waiting to be uncovered, and stepped into. Here is what you wanna do: I am not asking you to act as if you were her. I want you to start EMBODYING her. 

I am so passionate about teaching females not just to become truly confident in who they are and fall in love with every single aspect of their being, but also to become a vibrational match to all that they desire - because life is not just about putting in the external work (doing), but also the inner work (being & aligning to the energy of the universe). I am here to remind you of the truest version of yourself. I am here to show you what’s possible when you follow your intuition and trust your vision. I am here to help you step into and fully embody your most powerful self.

Follow your passions

In the past 2 years of running, growing and scaling my own coaching business from zero to multiple 6 figures without hiring a business coach, and upgrading my own coaching practice through certain tools and strategies, I have gotten questions from SO many of you asking me where I learned everything that I know today & how you can learn it too… 

I have received questions on how I managed to scale my business and get my clients extraordinary results, plus build a strong brand that naturally attracts my dream clients. What I did to not only master Coaching Techniques but also be an embodiment of my teachings, how I did the inner work on myself and how I stepped into the identity of a CEO and business owner, rather than just a certified, intuitive Coach. 

In this blog post, I want to share exactly that with you, plus explain a bit more about what you can expect when joining ECA. On another note, if you already want to have an insight into the teachings from ECA, you can sign up for my Free Masterclass about leveling up your coaching practice through embodiment here.

So, let’s start from the beginning when my career as a coach started… 

I started my coaching business back in 2018 after receiving multiple requests from community members that knew me through my Instagram that initially served as a creative outlet for myself. They were asking if I offered some sort of mentorship to help them work on their mindset and level up their lives as I had done previously with my own life.

My first clients managed to fully transform their lives by working on their mindset, and all I did was ask thoughtful questions and give them the tools and support they needed – it felt incredible! At first, this was just a hobby and a side job that I somehow ‘fell into’ whilst studying full‑time and working as a waitress to save up money for my planned travels after graduating.

Massive, Messy Action

Due to the positive response from my community and the purest joy, I felt consulting my first clients in mindset and lifestyle design, I realized that I wanted to become a life coach. Through my studies of Media Communication at university, I had the opportunity to create a business plan for a project. So I elaborated a business plan for my coaching business, which further defined my vision of becoming a life & mindset coach.

I worked on it incredibly hard as a side hustle and, after 12 months, I was finally making 1.500 € each month which allowed me to quit my side job and fully sustain myself doing work I love. After finishing my studies in autumn 2018, I decided to travel the world to fully focus on this vision and to fully adopt a growth mindset of my own.

And wowww, leaving my comfort zone, committing to my goals and moving continents was the best decision I ever made!

Although it was not always convenient (or easy) – I often experienced a lack of understanding from the people I met when I prioritized working with my clients over attending beach parties in Bali. But you know what? It wasn’t even hard for me to do so. I was soooo determined to grow as a coach and manifest my vision. Focusing all my energy on this dream not only helped me attract like‑minded souls into my life, but also more clients and my first two wonderful team members in November 2018.

Expansion On All Levels

The assistance of my team allowed me to professionalize my business and I was able to make time and space for working with mentors and attending trainings. It was in Bali in July 2019 that I decided to become a 200 hours certified yoga teacher to increase my knowledge on spirituality and holistic health. I followed my intuition and signed up for a Coaching Certification Training in October 2019.

Diving deep into the theories of emotional freedom, learning about NLP models and improving my coaching skills during this training strengthened and expanded my knowledge about the natural laws of the universe, the limitless energy within us and the power of our subconscious mind. My training included everything I needed to know to become a practitioner in neuro‑linguistic programming, EFT tapping, and Time Techniques, as well as certified life and success coach.

Major Turning Point

Investing my resources (time and money) into this training and becoming a certified coach, resulted in a major turning point in my business. This also led me to revamp and relaunch my group coaching program in early 2020. I really had to pinch myself as I looked at the turnover we’d made by the end of January 2020: 15.000 €

By investing in this coaching certification training, I grew my expertise as a coach & business owner, further strengthened my authority on the market, and continued to massively scale my business. 

That’s why today, I want to share with you all the details about probably one of the most exciting things that I’ve ever created that will help you lay the foundation for making the same possible for yourself. Are you ready?

Let me introduce you to... The Embodied Coach Academy! 

Sign up for The Embodied Coach Academy the * self-paced * experience here and save your spot!

ECA is my very own holistic Coaching Certification program, where I certify my students as Life & Success Coaches.

The Secret to Success

Once I got the business part to the next level, I went deep into my own inner work and personal development and I took my personal growth to another level ‑ entirely. And from there, I was able to develop my coaching style and also certify as a life coaching trainer so I could teach others to do the same. Embodied, intuitive coaching, instead of just reading scripts.

You see, I am sooo passionate about this work because it truly is life‑changing. I practice what I preach and I do the same transformational work that I give my clients. They have epic results and I can also speak from experience because I’ve seen freakin’ incredible shifts in my own life, too.

Throughout my journey, I have been committed to my growth above everything else. I have cultivated so much self‑belief and confidence that I go for what I want and I make it happen. There’s no way I’d have the success I have today if I hadn’t been so dedicated and consistent.

You have to create your own reality and walk your own path. And oftentimes, this can feel scary, uncomfortable and triggering.

But our growth and our successes always come on the other side of where we feel comfortable. I prioritized what mattered most to me: my personal growth, my business and my positive impact.

It wasn’t an easy journey to get here. I invested not only time, but also a LOT of money into getting where I am today. And I did it because I knew that it would pay off in the long term. Because the truth is, anyone can have all these things. I’m not special or different, I simply had a goal and I believed in myself and my vision enough that I did whatever it would take to make it happen. And you can do the same.

There is nothing I am capable of, that you can’t achieve just as well.

Coaching Future Coaches

That’s also why I wanted to launch my own coaching certification – I wanted to share my knowledge so others can make the same kind of impact.

I’ve wanted to create this certification for such a long time and I’m so excited to be bringing you something really special at the end of this year. Working with conscious and spiritual entrepreneurs, this coaching certification will give you aaaall the strategies, tools and information you need in order to become a certified coach.

Sooo, this is what inspired me to launch The Embodied Coach Academy. My own journey and my desire to have a greater impact on the lives of females. 

What you can expect inside of The Embodied Coach Academy

And I can proudly announce that I probably have created the most epic certification program ever - my own Holistic Coaching Academy focused on Embodiment, Energy Work and Self-Healing. The aim of ECA is to be so comprehensive that you don’t just graduate as a certified Coach, but as an embodied leader, role model, and breathing example of your teachings.

NLP Work 

One pillar of the teaching we share inside of ECA is NLP and all things mindset & energy work. As you can see from my own journey, it is SO crucial that you have the foundational knowledge of NLP for rewiring your clients’ subconscious mind, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Time Transformation Techniques to release old trauma, and that you understand the concept of the subconscious mind and energy work overall. Mastering these modalities is essential for you to create long-lasting changes in your clients’ lives.

Inner Healing Work

Another thing that is special about ECA is that we are not only going to teach you how to do the work with your clients but also to do the energy healing & reprogramming of your brain on you as well. Why? Because if you haven’t done the work & have experienced the effects of it yourself, how are you going to do it with your clients? 

We are going to do timeline work, help you to heal the wounds from your childhood, do parts integration, support you in befriending your shadow, … there is honestly so much. 

CEO Identity

We’re also gonna have some time to talk about all things business, like outsourcing, self-marketing, branding, you name it ... and we will also keep adding bonus Masterclasses with guest experts in the upcoming months on business strategy, human design, and heaps of other valuable topics. 

Inside of the Embodied Coach Academy, you will learn anchors, trauma release, anger, fear, shame and guilt release, as well as energetic clearing. Because I know from experience that all the NLP and mindset stuff is great, but if you don’t consider your physical body and help it release too, then you will always continue having trauma stored there. 

We’re also gonna be talking about rewiring your nervous system through grounding practices, what embodiment work as a coach looks like, and you’ll also learn how to help your clients with manifestation if this is something you want to offer in your coaching practice as well. Further, we will give you outlines for structuring your coaching sessions, and programs.

Practice & Feedback

There’s going to be exams, quizzes, and practice sessions - which means, you will have a so-called “Breakthrough Day” with one of the other students to experience what it’s like to facilitate 3-4 hours of coaching for someone else and get some practice in. We will also have daily practice sessions so you can try out the different techniques and concepts you learn about. We believe that enough time for practice is essential to allow you to feel 111% ready and equipped to take any situation from any client once you graduate from The Embodied Coaching Academy.

Another amazing bonus is that you will be learning this together with an amazing circle of other powerful females. You’ll be able to really get to know the other women, have that sense of sisterhood inside the program and cultivate life-long connections. This alone is going to be a priceless experience for everyone who values connection and sisterhood.

Once you finish the certification program, you are coaching at a level that other coaches don’t coach at. A lot of other certification programs don’t give you this much in-depth knowledge and training on doing the work on yourself, help you walk your talk, or how to market yourself effectively. In a lot of other certification programs, you might learn about NLP and hypnosis, but you don’t get that much background information on how to transform yourself holistically; meaning your mind, your body, your energetic blueprint and vibrational frequency, to feel truly confident + embodied.

What are you waiting for? 

You see, the most expensive thing in your life is the time you waste while you’re trying to get to the next level, but are lacking the skills, knowledge and embodiment to actually get there. 

So, wouldn’t it make sense to invest a 4-figure sum in order to earn 5 or 6 figures a year because you have the skillset, confidence and level of embodiment needed to get to the next level? You will have the knowledge to run a biz that allows you to profit from the work you put in.

We will help you level up asap!

This is THE coaching certification program if you are really serious about this career path and want to have an incredibly powerful coaching practice, and you know in your heart and in your gut that you were born to be a coach, that you were born to change people’s lives. So, if you are like “heck yes, this is for me”, I want you to fill out the application form here and if I can see that you will benefit from ECA, I will let you know and send you all the details you need to save your spot asap, before we are sold out.  

To your Massive Transformation,

Your Trainer

Laura xx