Laura Herde

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How to Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

You know, sometimes things don't go the way we expect them to... 
... but sometimes, they turn out even more beautiful than we could ever have imagined.

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting recently and this is what came to mind… In all the challenges we’ve faced in the last year, there’s still been opportunity to live our lives as the best expressions of ourselves. In 2020, I realised I truly needed some time to fully recharge and come back into my full power. And this year, I’m back feeling powerful AF.

If you’ve been following my journey on Instagram you’ll know I completed my Coaching Training certification with YesSupply at the beginning of this year.  Running a multiple 6-figure mindset + manifestation coaching business as well as being in training for 9 hours a day, six days a week for 5+ weeks kept me preeeetty busy to say the least… Being a student again taught me heaps of lessons in many different ways, and I cannot wait to implement and share everything with you!

But as well as being a student these past few months, I’ve also taken the time to visualise a lot, journal a lot and still prioritise myself, my goals and my wellbeing. ‘Cuz no matter how advanced you are in your personal growth journey or how ‘busy’ you get in your career/biz/personal life, it’s super important to keep doing the inner werk.

It's important to allow yourself to reflect and unwind. It's important to listen to your needs, and make an effort to meet them. And trust me babe, I would have been seriously overwhelmed if I didn’t take the time to implement self-care rituals into my daily life these past few months.

Which got me to thinking - we’re already nearly a quarter of the way through 2021 (srsly how did that happen?) so I wanted to check in with YOU and see how you’ve been getting on with your goals and self-care so far this year. 

Have you followed through on your 2021 intentions and stuck with your visions for the year ahead? 

Have you been crushing it? Feeling fully committed to your goals & fully showing up for yourself in a way that makes you proud?

Have you been working on your mindset and managing your energy in a conscious + intentional way?

If you answered YES to these questions, then hell yeah babe, I am friggin' proud of you!

And, if not - then gurl don’t worry, I gotchu! 

There’s still time to make this year your very best one yet. 

Not too long ago I had a lifestyle I wasn’t happy with. I was waking up every day feeling exhausted from making so many decisions and forcing instead of flowing. I was pushing myself so hard and I was frustrated when I wasn’t seeing results. Looking back, I know exactly why it took me SO long to finally make positive changes.

  1. I was lacking the confidence + unwavering belief that I could really make my dreams come true.

  2. I was lacking the support + guidance to help me overcome the inevitable challenges that I would experience along the way.

Sound familiar?

Maybe you feel the same way right now. Maybe you’re feeling guilty that you haven’t stuck with the intentions you set for the year. And I get it - it’s not always easy to step out of your comfort zone and make those changes happen.

But babe, I promise you the effort you put in will always be worth it. Today, I have built unshakeable confidence in who I am & my ability to reach my goals (no matter how many people doubt me). I also follow a foolproof system for rising above any challenges + staying consistent during hard times.

And lemme tell you - it’s not a secret formula for creating this kind of life.

All it takes is the right strategy, a proven system, consistency, determination, focus and willpower.

So trust me when I say - your dream life is within your reach.

If you’re like most of my clients, you want a clear path + strategy that is proven to make your dream life your reality. You want to break free from limiting thoughts but don’t know how to quieten your ego and shift from seeing problems to seeing solutions.

You desire healthy, thriving relationships with others and a strong connection with yourself and your intuition. You want to feel confident making better decisions and start taking aligned actions towards your goals.

And here’s the truth: You are uniquely hard-wired to live a life of fulfilment, meaning, purpose and joy. 

You are designed to have deep and satisfying relationships. You are meant to have support systems that allow you to live your life purpose. And yep - you ARE destined to have a lifestyle that makes you feel empowered, energised and freakin’ amazing.

So lemme ask you this: Are you willing to put in the work to make this year your best one yet?

If the answer is YES and you want some help getting there, I’ve created a FREE Balance Your Life Worksheet, so you can gain clarity on what you are spending your time + energy on. I created this as a resource for my 1:1 and group coaching (PS.: my 28-day group coaching program Free Abundant Self is open for enrolment NOW!) clients, but I want to gift it to YOU to help you assess what’s working (or not working) in your current reality, so you can create your very best year yet. 

Make sure to print it out and fill it out as much as you can. Don't pressure yourself, just have fun with it! :)

I’d love to hear how you get on.

Love & light,
